1. Cover Page
2. A Time for Thanks... by Geoffrey Hoppe
3. Crimson Circle Angels
4. Shaumbra Affiliate Program
5. Journaling: Gateway to Mastery with Patricia Aburdene
6. Shaumbra Heartbeat
7. Noteworthy
8. Shaumbra Creations
9. Shaumbra Speaks
12. Shaumbra Institute Teacher Presented Classes
13. Shaumbra Events with Geoff and Linda

Your gifts make it possible to continue growing the Crimson Circle and offering the Tobias materials free of charge through our website. We strive to make it easy for Shaumbra worldwide to access our materials, workshops and products. Please visit our Gifts page to see the many ways you can help.


Journey of The Angels
A Personal Study Course

"The story of creation that’s
never been told...
now told by a real angel"

Tobias reminds us of what it was like to leave the angelic realms to come to earth. The listener re-experiences many things – what it was like to be birthed into biological form for the first time; remembrances of our Lemurian lifetimes; the pleasures and pains of Atlantis; and finally, into our more modern times and the deeper understanding of why we are here in this lifetime.

This is the story of creation that’s never been told before, shared with us now by a real angel. It explains how and why we became separated from Spirit, helps us to understand what transpires in the angelic realms, and it paints a new and refreshing picture of why earth was created and why we chose to come here.

The Journey of the Angels is a spiritual epic. It’s the explanation and understanding of Creation from A – Z. More than anything, the listener can actually re-experience their personal journey while in the energy of this masterpiece story. More than just words in an audio recording, Journey of the Angels is an experience of awakening and remembrance.

Journey of the Angels is now available in a 12 CD Personal Study Course that includes 11 audio CDs and 1 data disk. It includes a comprehensive Study Guide (PDF format) that facilitates the listener in a step-by-step process of reflecting on and observing their personal journey from Home to Now. (The course will also be taught by certified Shaumbra Institute teachers in late 2009 with enhanced original videos.)

This is the essential Tobias course for any Shaumbra – or anyone else – who wants to understand their angelic history. At times it will challenge you, at times it will give you great comfort and remembrance. You might be moved to tears or laughter, but one way or the other Journey of the Angels WILL touch you deeply.

For more information and to order:
Shaumbra Shoppe -US Store

Crimson Circle Store
October 2009 Newsletter

Local Circles
by Jean Tinder

In September, during the first Shoud of the new Masters Series, Adamus encouraged Shaumbra to get in touch with each other and share experiences. If you’ve ever had a friend to share with, you know how important it can be, especially when you’re going through challenging and confusing times.

One of Tobias’ greatest gifts to Shaumbra was to bring us together, to reunite this amazing family that has been traveling together for so long. What better way to celebrate and honor yourself than to share your journey and experiences with someone else that truly understands? Wouldn’t you just love to tell someone about your amazing Pakauwah; or what you experienced when you went down the hallway of your past potentials; or that cool synchronicity that happened last week; or the special insight you had waking up the other day?

When it’s all too easy to wonder if we’re going crazy or, worse yet, “just making it all up,” sharing our experiences with others helps make them more real for us. And, when they are reflected back to us through another’s perceptions, the insights just keep expanding.

Of course, if you’re like many Shaumbra, the people closest to you – coworkers, family members and acquaintances – often don’t really understand you. At best they observe your peculiar life with some curious interest; at worst they offer ridicule and shame when you share any of the “weird stuff.” Most if them just don’t get it and simply avoid “going there” with you.

So why not give yourself the gift of some Shaumbra friends? One of the ways to do this is join the Crimson Circle Message Board, an online Shaumbra community. Yes, it’s always going through twists and turns and evolutions, but it’s also a pretty good reflection of what we’re all going through! It’s a wonderful place to connect with others and share ideas, experiences and fun.

But cyber friendships can only go so far and at some point we want to share the laughter, tears and hugs in real 3D life. So, as we pass the 10-year mark with this ever-growing family, we want to remind you of another avenue of support for this ongoing reunion. There is a special page tucked away in the Crimson Circle website called Local Circles where you will find almost 200 people across the globe who have offered themselves as a connecting point for local Shaumbra. These include such far-flung places Russia, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Iceland and many, many more, for a total of 39 countries!

Perhaps there is someone in your area you can connect with! And if not, perhaps you would like to be listed as the connecting point or local host for Shaumbra. It is very easy to be a local host. Simply send us your name, email address, phone number and location and we’ll put up your listing. You never know when a new friend might show up right around the corner! Then you can meet for coffee, breathing, watching the Shoud, or just shootin’ the breeze. There are no costs to become a local host, no requirements, no specific schedule, and your meetings can take most any form you like.

So why not get together with another Shaumbra – or two or three – this month and share your experiences? I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot more experiences in these coming months with Adamus, and without a doubt there will be a LOT we’ll want to share!

If you would like to find a group in your area, simply visit the Local Circles page.

If you would like to become a local host, please send your name, email address, phone number, city, state and country to [email protected].

If you’re already a local host, THANK YOU! And please double check your listing to make sure the information is accurate and up to date.

In the future we’d like to feature some local Shaumbra circles around the world, so if you have pictures or reports of interesting things you’ve done with your group that you’d like to share, please send them in!

Number of local hosts – 188

Number of countries – 39

List of countries:
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

Crimson Circle™, Shaumbra™, Tobias of the Crimson Council™, Tobias of the Crimson Circle™, and Adamus Saint-Germain™, are registered trademarks of Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA. All rights reserved. Do not use in any manner or form without the express written consent of the copyright holder.